Things Unspoken: A Marauders AU Group PSL's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Things Unspoken: A Marauders AU Group PSL

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[24 Sep 2012|11:15pm]

Who: Lily and Peter
What: A chat
Where: Gryffindor Common Room
When: Early Evening
Rating: Low probably
Status: Incomplete

Hello Peter )
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[09 Sep 2012|03:27pm]

Who: Alice and Severus
What: Random Encounter
Where: Outside the Great Hall?
When: Uh lunch time?
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )
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[21 Aug 2030|04:21pm]


Every action is connected to another by a thread of fate. When one event changes, the tapestry of history unweaves and a new pattern is forged in the telling. What would happen if Severus Snape never called his dearest friend the most hated of slurs against her magical heritage? It has yet to be seen.

Things Unspoken is an AU Group PSL 'What if?' Marauder Era game set in the Marauder's 6th year. Severus never called Lily a mudblood and their friendship was never fractured beyond repair.

Premise~Cast~Friend Button~App/Holds/Taken~Quidditch/Prefects~Rules/FAQ
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[21 Aug 2012|09:24am]

Quidditch/Prefects )
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[17 Aug 2012|09:13am]

Rules and FAQ )
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[16 Aug 2012|08:30pm]

Who: Marlene and Open to all
When: Last weekend of August
Where: Diagon Alley
What: School Shopping
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete, Open!

Marlene sighed as she looked into the window of Quality Quidditch Supplies. The new display of professional quality beater's bats was obviously what had caught her attention. All other faces seemed to be pressed to the other display window showing off the latest model Clean Sweep. Marlene had a good broom it was the ebony wood with bright faux gold banding bat that had her wrapped attention.

Marlene McKinnon wasn't your average Hufflepuff, she wasn't even your average witch. Marlene was from towering cold blooded kilt wearing Scottish stock. She stood 5'10" on bare feet and was composed of some pretty dangerously exagerated curves. Her style of dress was decidedly muggle and verged on punk at times. She was wearing a pair of holey kneed jeans, combat boots, and a Black Sabbath tee. Long dark brown hair was pulled back in a loose pony tail and big blue eyes were fixated on that beater's bat in the window.

The money to buy it was in the bag drapped across her shoulder and laying against her hip. She couldn't afford books and supplies if she bought it but who needed books?
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[06 Aug 2012|08:12am]

Premise )
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Work in Progress [05 Aug 2012|07:20am]

Cast Page )
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holds/taken/apply Page! [04 Aug 2012|07:48am]

holds/taken/apply )
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